Terms of delivery and payment of the order Vet Systems

How to order:

1) Select the desired product and its size, add it in the required quantity to the cart;

2) Go to the shopping cart, enter your details (last name and first name, contact phone number), choose a delivery method (Boxberry, CDEK or pickup);
(Pickup is carried out at the address: Moscow, Troitsk, Physical st, 13)

3) The manager will contact you within 4 hours from the moment of placing the order
(if the order was placed during working hours), or in the nearest working time to clarify the details.

Payment and delivery

The order is paid according to the invoice issued by an individual or a legal entity;

Delivery is carried out within the time specified by the delivery services (Boxberry or CDEK);
(you can check the cost and delivery time on the services website or with the VetSystems manager)

Delivery of the order for delivery takes place on the day of receipt of funds to the settlement account;

Tracking of the order is carried out by the track number of the shipment provided by the manager.
© 2019-2022
IE Vilkovisky I.F.
SSN 772804294460
PSRNIE 316774600380052
Moscow, Troitsk, Physical st., 13
e-mail shop@vetsystems.ru
tel +7 963 778-40-20
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